2025 Ticket Information
You must purchase OFFICIAL WEEKEND WITH CAMPING tickets from the festival to use our service. Festival tickets are NOT included in any of the prices below.
Beat-Herder is located between Clitheroe and Sawley in Lovely Lancashire. BB7 4LH
Click here for Beat-Herder FAQs and travel information
We will be located in the General Campsite. Further information on how to find us on site will follow closer to the festival
Check in times and when our gazebo is staffed
Thursday 10am - 11pm (Thursday Entry ticket holders only)
Friday 9am - 11pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 9am - 12pm
Any problems finding us please call our on-site team on (number to follow). Please note: This mobile number will only be active from Thursday. For enquiries prior to this time please contact our office via [email protected] quoting your booking reference number.
Since 2006 Beat-Herder has grown into a colossal creation of some 16 areas for music, 14 bars, 40+ stalls, fairgrounds... the list goes on. Mother Beat-Herder has been busy.
Beat-Herder is different to other festivals; it is built on unconditional love and the tireless efforts of many. From plants grown from seed, hand painted signs and flags, restoring old cars, to homemade hymn books; the detail and creativity is endless. Most of the stuff you will see here is unique to Beat-Herder.
Website beatherder.co.uk
Choose your pre-pitched tent and essentials
Festival tickets are not included in the price